The Awakening

Awareness is the gateway to our future. The more present you are each day, the greater your awareness becomes. “The Awakening” is the perfect catalyst to invigorate your spirit and boost your energy. Download your copy now to experience this transformative feel good song.


Composed, Produced and Performed By: David C. Knight
Guitar: Randy Battiste
Album Artwork: Yevhen Karpenko
Released By: 41Records LLC

The Awakening

We stand at the most significant crossroads in human history. People are awakening! Transformative events are unfolding across the globe. The veil that has shrouded humanity in ignorance for centuries—keeping us in the dark about life, our bodies, health, oppression, cultural connections, and emotional well-being—is being lifted!

The desire for peace, freedom, and the right to live authentically is growing stronger. The path forward is not entirely clear, but the journey has begun. Now is the moment to decide your direction.

“The Awakening” is my anthem of hope. Inspired by the collective awakening of humanity, I composed this song to mark this pivotal moment. If humanity’s awakening needed a theme song, “The Awakening” is it! Featuring soaring strings, triumphant horns, and a foundation of funk, this piece embodies it all. It also includes a verse that reminds us we are still on our journey—pain, struggle, and hard work remain.

The Awakening is the first composition to unleash my classical influence along with my idolization of Barry White, utilizing the best orchestral libraries available to composers and musicians. The Awakening is a wall of strings wrapped in brass, dipped in melody, and grounded on a funky backbeat.

Composers Notes

I grew up backstage. My mom, a classically trained and accomplished opera singer and actress, took her four children with her to rehearsals, where she played Daphnie Byfield, the lead role in Irving Burgie’s Ballad for Bimshire.

What an amazing time in my childhood! I ran around the theater with the other children while watching my mom rehearse with a full orchestra.

It was thrilling to be surrounded by musicians, singers, dancers, actors, a band, and a live orchestra. During this time, I began to feel a deep connection to music and entertainment. However, once I became a professional musician and songwriter, it seemed like that part of my life vanished. I was so immersed in contemporary music that my childhood inspirations never resurfaced—or had they?

I’ve been simultaneously moving forward and backward my entire life: forward, living in the present with my music, and backward, reflecting on my youth and the inspiration from my mother’s musical theater career.

Over the last forty years, every ballad I’ve written, I’ve tried to orchestrate, but to no avail due to limitations with computer technology. I certainly couldn’t afford to hire an orchestra! Still, song after song, I tried to arrange and orchestrate my music, desperately trying to emulate the wall of violins, cellos, violas, timpani drums, and all the other orchestral instruments I heard as a little boy.

Fast forward to the present day. Today’s technology is powerful! I have the entire Berlin Orchestra on my server, with every orchestral instrument imaginable. Truthfully, my computer’s orchestral library surpasses the live orchestra my mom sang with. Well, not really, LOL!

I’m not a classically trained musician by any stretch of the imagination, but the classical inspiration I received backstage during early childhood, combined with modern technology, has set the stage for me to explore a creative side of myself that has been screaming to break free.

The Awakening is the first composition to unleash my classical influences alongside my admiration for Barry White, utilizing the best orchestral libraries available to composers and musicians. The Awakening is a wall of strings wrapped in brass, dipped in melody, and grounded by a funky backbeat.

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