It's 2025!

Happy New Year, I totally believe and feel that 2025 is here! I say that because so many people say, “Wow, I can’t believe it’s a new year already.”

But I believe it because a new year happens the same way every year—I expect it.

I’m excited about this year. I believe it’s going to be a year of major change for me, this country, and the world. Of course, not all of it will be good, and some of it will affect many people in harmful ways. That upsets me…

Still, I believe what we are experiencing is life falling together, not falling apart. I can’t think of a time in history when meaningful change came from everything being “happy, happy, joy, joy” all the time.

That’s not to say good can’t come from joy. In reality, life was designed to work that way. And we’re discovering that truth more and more these days.

Life’s original design hasn’t changed because we have the ability to make choices. What has changed are our beliefs, perceptions, and understanding of how good creates good. We’ve caused so much global damage and harm that the majority of us only see the evil and wickedness in people—and on this planet!

I remember once driving in the car with my dad when I was about eight, maybe nine years old. I said to him, “Dad, life is good, the earth is good—it’s the people that have made it bad. If people stopped doing bad things, life would be good all the time.”

He looked over at me with this expression that said, Where did he get that from? Then he replied, “You think so, David?”

I said, “Yeah, Dad, I do.” He gave me this head nod that only people in my family would recognize as an ‘OK, I hear you.’

The irony of it all is that my son, Collin, said the same thing to me about four years ago. I sat there on the phone in total shock. I told him, “Collin, you’re 100% correct,” and then I shared my story about saying the same thing to my dad as a child.

I have lived through the experience of good coming out of bad multiple times in my life. Hell, my music career was born out of a bad experience. But I don’t like living that way! It happens, sure—but it has to become the exception, not the rule.

These days, I want my good to come from joy. The only obstacle in my way is me—my thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions of myself and life.

It’s up to me to make 2025 a joyful year! I can’t control the United States government, or people who hate people my color, countries that hurt other countries, or people who harm one another. It will take collective human effort to end global violence, abuse, and corruption. And not just one person at a time, but multiple groups working simultaneously—together or not.

We all must be on the same page. We all must want the same thing: world peace.

My goal, however, is to find inner peace and surround myself with joy—then occasionally peek in on the rest of the world. No, I won’t live in a bubble. I’ll stay informed, but only on a “need-to-know” basis.

For example, I don’t need to know that a family of five was killed in a house fire. My heart hurts for those tragedies, but I can assume that people will transition today, tomorrow, next week, next month, and 10 years from now. Keeping that kind of news in front of me daily only hurts me—and it’s not necessary.

Being in inner peace isn’t a New Year’s resolution. I’ve been working on this for some time now. This is an amendmentto my evolving lifestyle. It’s who I want to be. And I finally feel like I can achieve it. I feel like I know what to do now—and how to do it.

Of course, I have to keep practicing. It’s going to take time, and there will be setbacks. But I know I can do it. I feel it deep within me.

I want to be happy 90% of the time, content 8% of the time, and sad, angry, or hurt just 2% of the time.

I don’t believe that’s asking too much, knowing that I live in a world designed for love, joy, fun, happiness, and good. If I make this my life’s mission, I believe life’s original design will naturally flow into my experience. In doing so, good will come from the good I do and the good I experience.

It’s my responsibility to remove the self-made dark clouds in front of me and see the natural, organic beauty of life and this planet.

I hope 2025 is what serves you in joy and peace.


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    • Hi Sandra,

      That ratio felt good to me. When I thought about giving more into sadness anger etc… my body just rejected it.

      My body felt good when I gave happiness and joy 90% and content 8%.

      Content over all felt pretty ok

      So go for a ratio that feels good to your body.

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