Transition (The Story of My Band Chase) Pt3
Transition; is a word that often refers to the passing of life, a change, a shift, the old to a new. After months of trial and tribulation trying to figure out our sound! Chace experienced a transition between late 1981 thru 1982
There were so many steps along our journey. As always, defining and taking the first step was our priority. And to me, that meant coming up with a dance song, a funky bass line.
But it would take more than a bass line for the band to transition from sounding like a garage band to a professional touring/studio band. It would take a college professor, a record producer, a recording studio beyond our wildest dreams, and hard work to bring out the Chace sound!
But with a full tank of gas and a spark. We got all pistons fired up and took on the challenge. We rehearsed days, late nights, weekends, and holidays, singing, recording, and drilling ourselves on each song like never before. It was exhausting!
In this super-long episode, I dump you back to 1981 and step you through how I came up with two bass grooves that set the foundation which started the band's transition.
It is a long episode, so hang in there. Our story will amaze you as much as we were living it! And if you're not dancing by the end of the episode, I'll be shocked!

Here are some ways we can connect and grow together:
I've recorded some music you can listen too. It's funky, heart & soul!
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