Take It
david knight
Produced by: David Knight
Music and Lyrics: David C. Knight
Music: Clayton Gittens
All instruments, and string orchestration performed By David Knight
Piano and Keyboards: Clayton Gittens
Vocal chants: David Knight
Album Cover Graphics: Dominic Fillippone
Photo Image: Rhea Kay https://www.rheakay.com
Composers Notes
While composing "Take it Higher," I held a singular focus: to infuse you with motivation, not just for the song itself but for your whole life, your being, every inhale and exhale, the steady pulse of your heart, and your inner sense of self.
Taking your life higher is a profound exercise of self-discovery and growth. It requires help; music is a rich source of support when embarking on an inner journey. It's about transcending the ordinary and mundane, breaking free from the chains of your comfort zones, and embracing future life experiences. To break free requires awareness; without it, your mind remains locked.
Taking your life higher is a conscious decision to elevate your mindset, aspirations, and actions, propelling yourself toward the peak of your potential. Moving beyond the familiar to explore the boundless, taking your life higher involves shedding limitations and fears while allowing your spirit to ascend to new heights. This journey demands resilience, determination, and an unwavering belief in your ability to overcome obstacles, and transform challenges into opportunities, and harness your unique strength to reach for the stars.
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