Aaron "Bionic" Brown
I have a new artist and an old friend I would like to introduce to you.
His name is Aaron "Bionic" Brown. Aaron and I met twenty-five years ago. It is hard to believe so many years have gone by. His love for jazz and his eclectic taste for so much music surpasses my comprehension.
A few months back. I took a couple of hours to catch up with Aaron. He played his new songs for me, and we talked some studio talk. I was also interested in digging into Aarons back in the day life growing up. Like me, he was a young musician in New York.
I also wanted to know his thoughts on life today, health wellness, and how he juggles it all!
In this episode, you will hear Aaron's new music and learn how to follow him. He is worth every listen.

About Aaron
Aaron was born and raised in NYC in the borough of Brooklyn. He started playing guitar at 12 years old. I went on to atend a music program in Erasmus Hall high school, and atended C.C.N.Y. in Harlem as a music major studying performance, compositon, arranging and music theory. While in college I started to play Bass as a second instrument. I went on to be an actve session player for recordings, gigs and the likes in the NY Tri-sate area. As a former member of the group "KARAVAN", they had their frst record deal with Columbia Records, a few years back.
Over tme Aaron embraced the emerging technologies of MIDI, Sampling and digital audio and incorporated them into my writng and arranging skills. His years of experience lead him to establish BOP BROWN PRODUCTIONS LLC, where Aaron honed his skills of recording, editng, arranging and producing music for his clients. Today he contnues to compose and has accumulated a large catalog of songs. At long last, with encouragement from his good friends and musical partners in crime, Gordon Jones and Juan Coon, He began the process of recording some of his material to share with all of you folks out there. It is with great pleasure and excitement that I give you the new Smooth jazz single, "Mr Jones".
Some of the folks I’ve worked with through the years are; Roy Ayers, John Lewis, Onaje Allen Gumbs, Trevor Gale, Buddy Williams, Marcus Miller, Doc Powell, Carol Steel, Maricio Smith, Glen Jones, Freddie Jackson, Tanya Willobough, Melissa Morgan, Miles Jaye, Kevin Jenkins, Warren McCray, Carmen Lundy, Larry Elgart, Charlie Palmier, Connie james, Paul Lawrence, Lisete Wilson, Harlem Boys Choir, Ronnie Drayton, Gus Falcon, Gordon Jones, Raymond Jones, Sharon Bryant, Linda Watson-Brown and many more.
Connect with Aaron

Here are some ways we can connect and grow together:
I've recorded some music you can listen too. It's funky, heart & soul!
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